The medium is the message
- 2024, Carrara marble and steel, 100 x 50 x 30cm
The public sculptures were made during the Cammino Via di Francesco residency and are permanently installed in the town of Lugnola, behind the church of San Cassiano on the border of Lazio & Umbria in Italy.📍Location
Marble serves as a portal into geological time, formed long before humanity ever existed. Two spirals rise as symbols of continuity and eternity, evoking a bygone classical era.
This idea materializes in a sculpture where the marble spirals blend with an industrial base crafted from recycled steel beams, salvaged from a Tuscan residential building. These beams, still bearing the original marks of their industrial history in Piombino, create a dialogue between past and present.
In this context, the spirals resemble eyes gazing over the landscape, inviting us to perceive the scenery as a fleeting moment within the vast expanse of Earth’s history. While our lives are brief, marble endures for millions of years, offering us a rare and almost unfathomable perspective on the scale of geological time.
Moving Upwards
hand carved Macael
marble, 25 x 15 x 56cm
Moving Upwards, is where land and body converge, featuring a female torso that dissolves into folds of marble, seamlessly becoming part of the landscape. The arch of the back is both topographical and intimate, capturing a state of constant transformation. As part of the ongoing series Dark Optimism: Ghost in the Stone, this work blurs the lines between drawing and sculpture, embodying themes of unity, metamorphosis, and the interconnectedness of nature and humanity.
Tides of Time
- 2024, hand carved Macael marble, 28x 34x 17cm
Tides of Time, part of the Dark Optimism: Ghost in the Stone series, is an intuitive and organic form that blurs the line between drawing and sculpture, merging the raw with the refined. Its highly polished surface gleams with a wet, glossy finish, contrasted by the raw marble that encases and protects it. Like a shell on the beach, "Tides of Time" is a fragment of an incomprehensible geologic timeline, serving as an anchor point for us to recognise the vast expanse and wisdom of nature, of which we are also a part.